Sunday, August 19, 2018

I thought we lived in a democracy.

In the UK we have jury trials.  Why?  Because we believe that it is the people who decide if the state has proved, or not proved, its case.  There is a reason for that.  It holds the power of the state in control.  No one is literally above the law.  

In the UK we have elections, and on occasion, referenda.  Why?  Because we believe that it is the people who decide who should be given the authority to create law.  There is a reason for that.  We entrust the people we elect.   

So it was in the EU referendum.  We, the people, gave parliament the power that allowed them to call and hold a referendum.  Parliament set up the terms, backed by 90% of the MPs.   

The people voted.  They took a decision.  They voted leave.   

Now we have people coming along and saying, know what, the majority shouldn’t have the final say.  It should be put to a new vote.   To take the logic of that just one step further, every time there is jury trial we don’t like the result of, we should re run it.  Every time there is an election and we don’t like the result of we should re run it.    

People who advocate re running or holding a so called Peoples Vote (wasn’t that what we had when we voted in the referendum?) really are setting in place a very dangerous process.  If they have such scant regard for the democratic and legal process, what next will they try to overturn?

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