Sunday, August 26, 2018

Glasgow Airport warns of grounded flights.

I have to say, Glasgow Airport are spinning a total scare story.  Even pro remain people must be embarrassed.   

The UK controls all the airspace through which virtually all the air traffic from the EU has to pass through to get to the USA.   

UK Airspace is divided into three FIRs; London, Scottish and Shanwick Oceanic.   The London FIR covers England and Wales. The Scottish FIR covers Scotland and Northern Ireland. The Shanwick Oceanic FIR covers a region of airspace totalling 700,000 square miles over the North East Atlantic.   
Ireland is totally surrounded by UK controlled airspace.      

So, if the EU decided to break international agreements or play a game of obstructing flights from the UK, they could find themselves instantly excluded from UK controlled airspace.   

Yet another scare story from the pro EU lobby that want the thwart the democratic vote of the people of the UK.

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