Friday, September 12, 2014

What was the deal?

I’m not sure if you found it strange.  I did.  Serious businesses telling the world what their pricing strategy would be in 18 months’ time.  The John Lewis Group and Asda have said their prices may change.   
Interestingly, as far as I can see, TESCO have not joined this particular bandwagon.  Could it be that they very successfully operate in Ireland, India Czech Republic, Malaysia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, China, Turkey and Thailand?  They must be rubbing their hands in glee this morning, their major competitors have given away their pricing plans 18 months in advance.  TESCO have one of the most sophisticated and successful logistics operation on the planet and will no doubt now be planning how to become the major player in Scotland.  I’m sure there are other businesses too like ScotMid who will relish the opportunity of trading against companies who have higher prices as their strategy.
But underling all this supermarket talk, there is a serious question.  What did the Prime Minster say to the leaders of these organisations that made them declare their hand 18 month before Scotland will actually be independent should it vote yes?  What other things did they talk about?  We should be told.  Sadly, I think we are all too weary and cynical now to expect that there was not some sort of trade off. 

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