Wednesday, September 10, 2014

I've been reminded

Silly me, I totally forgot to mention the man who saved the world. Gordon Brown. He is the architect of the timetable for Devo Max.  And what a man!  In power as Chancellor and Prime Minister.  But apparently he forgot to push the button on devolving more power.  For 12 years.

And now he and his new BFs wing their way to Scotland with 7 days to go.  And they tell us they will now, (now the polls have gone to YES) ever so generously “give” us these powers.  And they have been planning these new powers all along. Aye, right!!!! And that is the crux of it.  Westminster trio  believe all power is theirs, not the peoples.

And Gordon Brown, who does he think he is? I was reminded of this great clip.

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