Saturday, September 13, 2014

A story of rivalry

"Next year, as is a long held tradition, many will return to Scotland to join you for your annual Battle of the Boyne commemorations and we very much hope that we will not require our passports".  So said Orange Order of Ireland Grand Master Edward Stevenson at an event in Edinburgh today.

I found this interesting.  And rather sad.  To refresh your memories the Battle of the Boyne he was invoking was fought in 1690 between two rival claimants of the English, Scottish, and Irish thrones.  Put simply, Catholic vs a Protestant.  William, the Protestant, won. 

So here we have a march today in Scotland’s capital city by people still celebrating an event in 1690. In a different part of these Isles.

What kind of mind-set does that require?  I’m not sure it’s a healthy one in 2014 where we are trying to rid our nation from sectarianism.  And we certainly don’t want it in the debate about our future as a nation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bang on the money there blogger!! If there is one thing I despise about Scotland is its sectarianism. If the vote is close, like 50,000 short of a Yes (wiki's estimate of Orange membership), we can thank the Orange Lodge. They will no doubt crow about how they saved the Union. Meanwhile I'll be packing my bags like many others before me to get out of this nasty sectarian west of Scotland.