Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Along comes another bus

You wait for half an hour.  Then five buses come at once.  Ever been there?

A few days ago my post "The World's about to end", we looked at the credibility of Deutsche Bank and their projections.  And what do you know, along comes another German bank.  Except this time they take a bit of a different slant on things.  Commerzbank reckons such speculation has been overdone.  Indeed, the bank’s economists declared today that “some of the worst case scenarios painted in recent days appear exaggerated”, and provided evidence that Scottish shares have actually outperformed those of the UK as a whole this year, rather than registered any major collapse.  Not sure I’ve really heard that reported in many London based news outlets.

I not sure what this proves except different people and different organisations can produce differing figures and analysis.  Which is good and healthy.

What isn't good and healthy is, rather than taking figures and presenting them to us and leaving it for us to decide, we have those who singularly churn out doom and gloom irrespective of the differing reams of information.

This strategy of gloom and doom has somewhat backfired.  Why? Because, according Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp, Chief Executive of Business for Scotland, “it invites a clear comparison between the London based Westminster-connected business people who fear positive change for Scotland and those major business people who have come out for YES who are Scottish based and care most for Scotland”.  He then lists Sir Brian Souter, Chairman of Stagecoach plc, Jim McColl OBE, Chairman and CEO of Clyde Blowers plc, Mohammed Ramzan, Chairman of United Wholesale Grocers, Marie Macklin, Chief Executive of Klin Group, Doug Duguid, CEO of EnerMech and most recently former Tory donor John McGlynn, Founder and Chairman of Airlink Group.  All Scottish wealth and job creators, some on a grand international scale.  

So, in whom will you place your trust on Thursday?  Those who are happy to spend our wealth?  Or those who create the wealth?   Bit of a no brainer really.

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