Thursday, September 11, 2014

It's scare time again

When it comes to economics in the debate, you can glean all sorts of views.  This morning we wake up to RBS saying they will move their brass name place to London if there is a Yes vote.  All very odd because all that will have happened on the 18th of September is that the people of Scotland will have voted.  No negotiations will have happened.  So who knows what the negotiations after a Yes vote would throw up. 
Are serious business people saying they will jump in the dark directly after a Yes vote given the negotiations could actually mean that Scotland was, in the case of the financial sector, actually the better place to do business?  I’m not at all sure I would want to be investing in such a company that takes knee jerk reactions.  
Martin Gilbert the chief executive of Aberdeen Asset Management is no shrinking violet when it comes to having to make big decisions.  Though in the print and news media this morning you might just have struggled to hear his voice.  Basically he says Scottish independence would be a great success  reports Kamal Ahmed on Today.  Mr Gilbert argues that using sterling could work, if the Scottish economy is in a strong position, according to Kamal.   Calm, rational and thoughtful.  We need more people like Martin Gilbert and less shrill doom mongers in the debate.

1 comment:

Ian McEwan said...

Exactly. Well said. Good pointer to Martin Gilbert.

Having refused to blink so far, we are now being subjected to ultimate scare v3.0.

Can we hold our collective nerve?