Monday, September 15, 2014

Anything is possible with goodwill

We have had all sorts of hysteria around borders.  We've even had Ed Miliband joining in with his take on it all.  Passports, guards.  Even soldiers all coming it to the conversation at some point. I don't want to appear cynical, but when Mr Miliband also mentioned his 'personal connection' with Scotland, his father Ralph was stationed at Inverkeithing 70 years ago during the Second World War, for how long we are not sure, I think we know there is a little desperation creeping in to the No campaign.

But what would it really be like?  Well the BBC bravely did a story on borders on the news last night.  And it was quite an eye opener.  The border between the UK and the Republic of Ireland is marked by a change in the tarmac on the road.  No fences.  No barriers. No lines. No guards.  And no one waving a passport at anyone.  

It seems that when goodwill is applied, even in the divided island of Ireland, anything is possible.

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