Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The tide has turned

Well, its been a while since I last blogged. But the next week will see some contributions to the debate on the question "Should Scotland be an independent country?"

Let's start with today. We have three day trippers north of the border. Team Clegg Cameron and Miliband. Their aim, persuade people in Scotland that we are "better together". But it is not the most auspicious of starts. They want to re-write the question. No more will we be voting on the question, “Should Scotland be an independent country?: YES or NO”.

Instead, on the basis of the intervention by team Clegg Cameron Miliband, the question now is in effect: “Should Scotland be an independent country or do you want Devo Max”. So no longer can we vote for the status quo as previously agreed by all parties.

They have told us change will come. Though interestingly, apparently not till after the next UK General Election. Funny that.

But let's look back in time. The Scottish Government consistently made it clear that it was willing to include a question on further substantial devolution in the referendum if there was sufficient support for such a move. That move was opposed by the very people who now, 7 days before the referendum, want that as the only alternative to a YES vote.

So perhaps you can help me. Can someone please enlighten me what parliament gave permission to change the question in the forthcoming referendum?

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