Tuesday, August 13, 2019

You are not dreaming. Honest.

It’s an odd one this.  Back in time there were a group of people who said that the UK parliament had to have a say in whether the government could trigger Article 50.  They went to UK's Supreme Court in 2017 where they argued that it was parliament that had to trigger it because of the implications of triggering it.   

One of these implications, they argued, was that once triggered the clock was ticking and we would leave the European Union on a specific date with or without a deal.  It was MPs that should decide if we should set the clock ticking.  MPs then, by an overwhelming majority, backed the triggering of Article 50.    

Fast forward.  That’s same group of MPs are now saying we should force parliament, MPs, themselves, to revoke Article 50.  Yes, the very thing they demanded a say in approving, they are now saying, in effect, we want to overturn what we overwhelmingly backed a short while ago.   

What are the people of the UK meant to think?  On one hand MPs say, let’s trigger Article 50, and then now they say, let’s stop Article 50.   

Couldn’t make it up

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