Monday, August 19, 2019

Round and round the garden, like a teddy bear....

Let’s try and work this out. 

Hard core Remainers say they will not let us leave the EU without a deal.    

But Parliament has voted three times to reject the only treaty that the EU offered Mrs May.   

The EU say that treaty is the only one on the table that it will accept.   

The EU says it will not re-open negotiations.   

And Remainers then say they won’t let us leave without a deal.  But Parliament…..  .   

Round and round we go.   

Now, love or loathe Mr Johnson, he has been perfectly clear.  He wants a deal.  He wants to re-open negotiations.  But the EU are saying no, they won’t.   

So I do wish these hard core bitter Remainers would focus their fire on the EU.  It is the EU that is not willing to negotiate. 

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