Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Do you choose which votes you respect?

"Politicians don't get to choose which votes they respect."  That seems blindingly obvious.   Why it takes Dominic Cummings to have to remind elected politicians like Dominic Grieve MP of this truth is a very sad reflection on the state of our political order today.   

He eloquently sums up in nine words what is really at the heart of it all.  It's no longer about remaining/leaving the EU - it's about whether we live in a democracy or autocracy.    And with the Irish Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, in effect calling for regime change by demanding a general election in the UK, we know that the EU is continuing through its apparatchiks with its role as the antithesis to democracy.

It clearly isn’t so obvious to the people named in yesterday’s paperwork lodged at the Court of Session in Edinburgh, all Remainers, and does remind us all that those bitter people who don’t respect the will of the people are still alive and well and are continuing to attempt to thwart the democratic process at every turn.

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