Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Prorogation? It's been done before, by John Major.

So the government has asked the Queen to suspend Parliament just days after MPs return to work in September - and only a few weeks before the Brexit deadline.   

You would have though the world was about to end given the hysterical reaction by bitter Remainers who seem to be focused on nothing else than the overturning of the biggest democratic vote the country has ever seen.  “Calm yourself” as Speaker Bercow would say.  

In the interests of balance, it may be helpful to remind everyone that John Major’s prorogation, yip he who threatens to take the government to court over prorogation, which he used to cover up the cash for questions scandal, lasted from the March 21 until the 1997 General Election: a period of 6 weeks.   Compare this to today’s announced prorogation that will result in Parliament losing only 4 sitting days. 

Rather than condemn the Government for seeking to deliver what MPs themselves actually voted for when they passed into the law of the nation when they approved Article 50, wouldn’t Ms Sturgeon, Ms Swinson and Mr Grieve be better training their fire on the EU which so far has steadfastly refused to negotiate?   Their characterisation of the government undermining democracy is utterly laughable when you consider it is they who wish to break the laws that they themselves set and overturn the votes of the majority, the 17,410,742.    

They clearly only believe in democracy when it suits them.

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