Wednesday, August 14, 2019


It sometimes feels we are constantly being fed, through Main Stream Media, the narrative that we live in a divided country that is divided in almost everything and the government is out of touch and seeking not do what the people don't want them to do.  But when you look at some of the polls that have come out in the last week or two, you see that, yes there is division, but not as the media would portray.  A couple of graphs from recent polls illustrate the point.

For example, stop and search.  Contraversial?  Well MSM would say so.  But it seems that the current government is more in touch with what people think is needed than the Labour, the Liberal Democrats (if we can still call them democrats) and outgoing prime minister, Mrs May, who basically cut back on S and S powers.  The faux outrage of people of the left would be amusing if it wasn't so serious.  Maybe they don't live in the streets where people are walking around with knives and machetes under their jackets.  Maybe none of their children have been stabbed.  Right now it is Boris and his Home Secretary, Priti Patel, that have managed to capture teh mood of teh nation and find a policy that dramatically bucks the trend. My goodness, even 65% of Remainers support it with only 21% opposed.

But it is this second one that I find very worrying.  Because it goes to the heart of the relationship between an MP and their constituents. The commitment made on polling night that they, in the words of the Returning Office, the named person will represent their constituents.  Not just use them as a vehicle for getting them into the corridors of power.

I actually believe it should be the left hand one, we should be able to trust our politicians to make the right judgements.  But the extraordinary disparity between voters and the MPs shows the reality.  Putting it simply, voters don't trust their MPs anymore to make the right calls.  

So when people disdainfully dismiss the rise of the BREXIT party as being populist, ask them why people need to vote for a so called populist party?  The answer is in plain sight.  It is because the MPs have disconnected themselves from the people.

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