Tuesday, August 06, 2019

We don't need to be in a political union to trade freely.

There are now two a clear divides emerging in UK politics.  Those who respect democracy vs those who don’t.   

And the second category, those who want free trade vs those who want to live in a world where free trade is an anathema.   

On the first, democracy, once upon a time, every party respected this.  Now, precious few seem to.  The Labour party and the Conservative Party seem to be in two minds as to whether the will of the people should be respected.  But the Liberal Democrat Party stands out alone in declaring that even if there was a 2nd referendum, if the vote was the same as the 1st referendum, they would still not respect the will of the people and would campaign for a 3rd vote.  And a 4th till the people got the answer right, as far as they were concerned.  Strikes me that Ms Swinson, the new leader of the party who declared this as her policy a few days ago is neither liberally tolerant nor democratic.   But we shouldn't be surprised. That's the same way as the EU they are so enthral to behaves.  (Have you ever seen anything other than an EU flag at a LibDem rally?  Me neither). And if you think I'm over the top, just remember Ireland being told by the EU, think again.  Keep voting till you get it right.

On the trade issue, I’m really quite staggered by the remain voices that simply haven’t the slightest idea of how trade works.  I make something. You want to buy it.  I sell it to you.  That was what we did before we joined the EEC as it was.  And there is absolutely no reason why we could not just go back to that.   

But of course, in Brussels we have elite that really is not interested in democracy or free trade.  They want any trade to be wrapped up in their political ambitions for a European Super State.  The UK is now being a bit of a spoke in the wheel for progress towards that.  And they don't like it. 

Anyway the facts are the facts.  The UK voted to leave the European Union. That was democracy in action, in spite of the overwhelming desire of the EU elite and the UK institutions and big corporate world to stop us voting as we did. 

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