Monday, July 08, 2019


If I were to ask you, "who is or was our Brexit Chief?", who would you come up with?

I suppose you could come up with a number of answers.  You could name a politician, David Davis, Dominic Raab, or the current incumbent as Secretary of State, Stephen Barclay.  You may even say Theresa May herself was the Brexit Chief.   

Or you may name a Civil Servant.  Olly Robbins has been at the helm for Mrs May.   

So I really was expecting a big name when I read the headline, “Former Brexit chief: We should all worry about no deal”.  Which of these people could it have been?   

As it turns out, none of them.   It was a Civil Servant, Philip Rycroft, who went on to say for the BBC Panorama cameras that everyone should worry about no deal.  

Quite what a Civil Servant was doing speaking to Panorama I’ve no idea.  If that is not undermining the current and future strategic direction of negotiators, I’m not sure what it is.  Perhaps he forgot the real title is not the Brexit department, a word so meaningless its use by Remainer Deniers says all you need to know about what they are trying to achieve. The department he was working in is correctly titled The Department for Exiting the European Union.   A bit of a clue in the wording there I think.

But it is the headline of the article, prominent on the BBC web site that gets me.  Once again another less than subtle apparently deliberate attempt to undermine the democratic wish of the people. 

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