Thursday, July 11, 2019

Be Prepared.

The motto of the Scouts.   Always a good way to live your life.  So it is encouraging that the BBC is reporting that the Bank of England says the UK banking system is still resilient to the financial impact of a worst-case disorderly Brexit.  Or put it another way,  a WTO alternative to an agreement with the EU.  

Note the words of caution in the report.  A worse case disorderly Brexit. 

Now in reality we know that this is all about politics, the creation of a European Super state as evidenced by the new people at the top pf the EU tree who have affirmed this as the EUs goal.  

German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen, nominated by the European Council as their candidate for President of the European Commission (just think that sentence through for a second, no democracy there), has called for the creation of a European superstate. "My aim is the United States of Europe..." she said in an interview with Der Spiegel.  She has also called for the creation of a European Army.  It's worthwhile checking all the other nominees for the EUs top posts.  Not one of them will be democratically elected.  

But do we really expect businesses to allow political posturing get in the way of trade?  I don’t think so.   Lorries will be flowing across La Manche.  We know that because on the other side of the Dover Straits they have put in the infrastructure ready for even the worst case of leaving the EU without a political agreement.   

One hopes that in the three years the UK has had to get its house in order it has done the same as our friends across the water.  If not, who’s going to be in court on Misconduct in Public Office charge?    

We’d have to go right back to Amber Rudd as Home Secretary an all the others who have run departments and ask, "did you start preparing for leaving with no political deal on day one?"  And follow that up with: "If not, why not?".

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