Friday, July 05, 2019

Marcus Ball vs Boris Johnson.

Well, the judges have spoken.  Or written to be entirely accurate.  Yes, Mr Balls case against Mr Johnson was thrown out a few weeks ago.  But its taken to now to see the written reasoning of their judgement in the Marcus Ball vs Boris Johnson case.     

Now we can see why.  Boris’s favourite number was ok.  Yes, the judges said £350m was ok.   “The alleged offence set out in the Application for Summons is that the Claimant “repeatedly made and endorsed false and misleading statements concerning the cost of the United Kingdom’s membership of the European Union”.  It appears that if the Claimant had said/endorsed a figure of £350m per week gross, or £250m per week net, there would have been no complaint.”    

Pretty clear from the judges.  And given Boris always said the £350m a week was the gross figure, there really was no case to answer.   

Mr Ball is the poorer now for not having taken time to read and listen and watch all the comments Boris made.   

Makes you wonder exactly what he was doing with his time, funded by his crowd funding campaign, that he said was being dedicated to bring those who told lies to court.

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