Sunday, July 07, 2019

Remainer deniers.

I really struggle with Remainer MPs like David Gauke.  A Conservative.  He and his fellow Conservative MPs, in what was entirely conducted by the rules of the party, selected two candidates to put to the Membership of the party, the people that do the foot slogging for their selected candidate every election.  It's tough work foot slogging.   I know, I've been there.

The Members of the party will now select the new leader of the party.  But such democracy means nothing to Mr Gauke as he has said he would have 'to resign' if the next PM backs a so called no-deal Brexit.  What of course he won't back is a WTO alternative to an agreement with the EU.  He doesn't beleive in Leaving.

There is no such thing as no deal.  We actually don't need a withdrawal agreement, as we all well know.  There is a deal, it is just not a withrdawal one with the EU.  And that is something totally different as people like Martin Howe, QC keep pointing out to deaf Remainer ears.   

Not that any Remainer who denies the EU referendum result would admit to that.  So be part of an election of a leader who has clearly stated exactly what he will do.  Then throw your toys out of the pram when he says that he will do in office what he said he would do in the election for leader.  

Like all Remainers he sees no irony in his positon.  Another person who thinks his opinion is worth more than the majority of people in the nation who actually voted to leave the EU. 

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