Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Major has short memory.

So, Sir John throws his tuppence worth in the ring again on whether Parliament should be prorogued.  Indeed, he is threatening to take a future prime minister to court to stop them doing just that.

But hang on a moment.  Didn't Sir John do just that himself back in 1997?    Back then it was to delay the publication  of a highly embarrassing report into the “cash for questions” sleaze scandal when he was prime minister.  But suddenly Mr Major, who didn’t have such a problem of parliament being prorogued back then, now feels he's got to stop it happening again. 

Should it not be Sir John that is being taken to court for Misconduct in Public Office for signing the Maastricht treaty in the first place without consulting the people?   Now he is trying to overturn the democratic wishes of 17,410,742 people of the UK who decided he was wrong to sign the treaty of political union in the first place.

Perhaps Sir John should remember that MPs already voted in favour of No Deal Brexit when they set it as the legal default by passing the EU Withdrawal Act a year ago.

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