Wednesday, July 03, 2019

“Tesco faces Brexit deadline headache”.

So said the BBC headline as Tesco's boss who noted that planning for the new Brexit deadline is "more difficult" because the supply network will be full of Christmas stock.  

Dave Lewis told the BBC that the new deadline of the end of October meant there would be "less capacity" for stockpiling longer-life items.    

A no-deal Brexit could mean tariffs and delays at the border that interrupt supplies of some food, he said.   

Like all prudent business leaders Mr Lewis’s business was ready to leave the EU on March the 29th this year.  When it didn’t he, like all the others, probably just shrugged their shoulders, accepted the massive waste of money and time they had spent preparing for what the government had said would happen, as just the way things go, and moved on.

Perhaps he should have sent a bill to HM Treasury for the cost of being prepared.   

So his issue is all about problems of distribution, not about leaving the EU.  Tucked away in the article a single one liner when Mr Lewis said that leaving the EU could also provide opportunities for the UK.  

I’d like to see these words, from one of the UKs biggest companies, feature rather more prominently in the next story the BBC do on Tesco.

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