Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Propaganda. Pure and simple.

So there we have it, almost 3 years after the people of the UK voted to leave the European Union, we’re still in it.  Why?  Well, from where I’m sitting, there are a number of reasons.  But as I think it is becoming increasingly obvious the real reason is Mrs May never wanted us to leave.  Why else would she be trying to construct a deal that keeps us in the EU.   BRexit In Name Only.  BRINO.   

And it has meant we have arrived at the farcical stage where we are going to have to go through the charade of having elections to the European Parliament.  How ludicrous is that?   And it’s all because people have not accepted that we voted to Leave the European Union.  The simple question on the ballot paper.  

So it was interesting to take a look at what the European Union are doing as we fail to do anything.   Their PR unit is working flat out with their message of what they think the EU is.  At least they are consistent. This quite remarkable video is one of the products from their legendary and fearsome PR unit.  All soft and fluffy masking the true cold calculating nature of the EU.  With this kind for propaganda from the EU brainwashing us and our children, what chance have we got?  Its nasty implication that if you disagree with their project, you are destroying the future of children.  If you disagree you are climate change deniers.  Worse, you are a terrorist.  It's all there in the video.  Very subtly, but it's there.

What wicked tactics the EU are descending to.

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