Monday, May 27, 2019

Negotiations about what exactly?

Lots of politicians don’t want us to leave the EU without a deal.  Fair point.  I think everyone would prefer a deal.  But a deal about what?   

There are two sides to this.   

The political.  There is really nothing to talk about as far as a deal goes.  The people voted to leave the EU. The EU is a political construct.  Leaving, as Remainers kindly reminded everyone, we would be leaving the Political arm of the EU including the ECJ.  That is what John Major signed us up to in the Maastricht Treaty.  Political union.  So we will become just like any other nation that trades with the EU.  Japan, Australia, Brazil, et al.  None of them allow the EU to dictate law to them.  So why should we if we leave the EU?  So what will any deal be about?   

Well, trade.  Now when we get into trading, no one in their right mind tells the people they are negotiating with what their own fall-back position would be.  If they did, guess what would happen?  Yes, the fall back would be the new starting point for your opposition.  No one in their right mind would do that.  And yet we hear cries from people demanding that we must not leave without a deal and saying what we must agree to.  Well, if you were on the other side of the negations, what would you do?  

Answers on a post card….

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