Did Ms Sturgeon tell one in 2014? Is it right to tell the people one thing one year and think it is ok to say the opposite two years
later? That's for you, dear reader, to decide.
However, if we look at President of the European Commission, Mr Jean-Claude Juncker, a man that Ms Sturgeon seems to be in enthral to, has never hidden his
view that the compromises and deals being worked out in EU meetings or leaders
or ministers need be protected from public scrutiny, by lies if necessary.
it becomes serious, you have to lie" he said .
On another occasion he said of the euro's
introduction.: "We decide on
something, leave it lying around and wait and see what happens. If no one kicks
up a fuss, because most people don't understand what has been decided, we
continue step by step until there is no turning back.".
Welcome to the European Union.
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