Wednesday, May 29, 2019

On which side of the fence is the Chancellor?

One does sometimes wonder about Philip Hammond, the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Who’s side is he really on?     

The other day he talked about how he might find it difficult support a future Conservative prime minster that opted to leave the EU on an alternative deal to the one the EU have offered us.   

Some candidates have taken the balanced approach and suggested that if the EU chooses not agree to a deal that is less bad than leaving with WTO, then WTO it should be.  That is logical, though hysterical Remainers don’t seem to understand that.   

Anyway, not that everyone thinks that WTO is bad.  Far from it.  But the really odd thing is, Mr Hammond is apparently willing to put aside all logic and vote for something that would visit an even greater economic catastrophe on our nation.

Bizarrely Mr Hammond has refused to rule out voting against his own party in a confidence vote.   

Just think that through for a nano-second.  Our Chancellor, a man who is supposed to know all about finances, is in effect saying that leaving on WTO terms would be more damaging to the economy than a government led by Jeremy Corbyn.   

Is he having a laugh or what?  Or just being a scaremonger like he was at the referendum.  And all his scare stories then were, in the following months, proved to be utterly fanciful.

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