Monday, May 27, 2019

590,947 votes

That’s how many votes the SNP garnered in the EU elections this week.  A snapshot.  And yes, they did indeed get the most votes in Scotland.   

But statistics are an odd thing.  The SNP's total haul in the EU election is still half the number that voted Leave in the EU referendum.   I know, I'm juggling numbers.

Mind you, Ms Sturgeon is pretty useful at juggling numbers herself.  She keeps telling us Scotland voted to stay in the EU.  Well, on closer inspection it turns out not quite the whole of Scotland voted Remain.  Indeed, 38% of Scotland voted Leave. That is quite a chunk of the electorate that voted.  That was a total of 1,018,322 souls who voted to Leave the EU.  Hardly “Scotland voted to Leave”.

So, what of the last General Election?  Well, only 977,569 voted for Nicola and her SNP.   And yes, you are sharp eyed and you’ve noticed that her polling at the General Election was also less than the number of people who voted to Leave the EU in Scotland.  

You can't swing both ways Nicola. As Paddy said, "you either believe in democracy or you do not".

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