Saturday, April 13, 2019

Economic recklessness.

Back in 2012, Geir Haarde, Iceland's former Prime Minister was found guilty of negligence over the country’s 2008 financial crisis.   

At the end of November 2017, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that his conviction over his handling of his country’s financial crisis was fair.   

Given Mrs May and Mr Hammond have been pushing the UK into a financial crisis since the referendum by allowing uncertainty to reign with an estimate subsequent economic hit of £800m per week according to of the Bank of England economist Jan Vlieghe, should Mrs May and Mr Hammond not be prosecuted for economic crimes against the state?     

It is not the prospect of leaving the EU under WTO terms that is causing the problem for businesses.  As the Bank of England’s own report stated, 80% of businesses are ready to leave on WTO

Contrast this to a Government that appears to have behaved with nothing short of economic recklessness.

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