Friday, April 05, 2019

Stupid people.

Charles Moore helpfully reminds us in an article in The Spectator of what happened nearly three years ago.    

A question was asked of the people.  MPs had decided that this was too big a question for them to decide.  So they decided to ask the people to decide. A referendum was called.   

The question that was put, argues Moore, was a classic example of something which is simple but not easy.  The question?  ‘Do you want to be ruled by those you can choose, or by those you can’t choose?’   

Ok, the actual words used were different.  But that is what the question was.  Voters understood this, and gave a clear answer.   

Of course, clever people keep complicating it now after the event by suggesting that the actual wording of the question was ambiguous.  "What did remain or leave actually mean?" they whine.   Then the ridiculous word BREXIT appeared.  Soft Brexit or hard Brexit.  All there to add confusion.  Make the “stupid” people feel even more stupid.   

At the end of the day we the people are the losers now.  No matter how you voted.  Why?  Because the Remainers who could not stomach the result the ballot box provided have poisoned the political discourse by constantly seeking to undermine the democratic wish of the “stupid people”.    

And with that went trust. 

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