Wednesday, April 10, 2019

If it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

What does a nation look like?   

Well, it has quite a few things about it that we would recognise.  Like a parliament that makes law for all its subjects.  Like a judiciary that interprets law.  Like a head of state.  Like an anthem.  Like a flag.  Yes, I think we can all agree these are the obvious symbols of a nation.   

I’m sure it hasn’t escaped your notice that the EU has all of these already.       

How about trade.  No sovereign nation has internal tariff barriers.  Every sovereign nation has freedom of movement within its borders.  And what sovereign state wouldn’t be without its own judicial system.   Well, that is the arrangement Remainers want us to be in with the EU.  Quite the opposite of the SNPs cry that we should be a nation again.  Quite the reveres.  The EU is the nation in this scenario and Scotland is nothing more than a town council, to use Rt Hon Ken Clarkes words. It that really what Ms Sturgeon is fighting for?

So when those Remainers call for freedom of movement and a customs union, they are not arguing for some misty eyed wonderful soft cuddly deal. They are arguing pure and simple for a European super state.  Some of the Remainers realise that.  Most I suspect don’t.    

So while it’s true that no one is saying "We want a European super state" and asking the people "do you approve?", the very mechanisms of that state are being daily created and put into place by the European Commission sided and abetted by the European Court of Justice.   

Now you may think a European super state is a good thing.  And that is a legitimate debate to have.  But creating a super state without specifically asking the people of the states that are within the emerging super state is clearly unacceptable.   

The inconvenient truth is that on 23rd of June 2016 by a majority of 1,269,501, a 4% gap, the people of the UK voted to leave the EU and all its super state pretentions. 

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