Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Fake news is everywhere.

So, the Conservatives are attacking the foundations of Devolution the Scottish First Minster is claiming.  Devolution now faces a “grave threat”.  

There is a big problem here using terms like “grave threat”.  Tony Blair used a form of words “clear and mortal danger” and look what that turned out to be.

What Nicola really means is, if you don’t give us everything we want, you are not negotiating in good faith.  Which putting it mildly, is rather disingenuous.

To use a current expression, the first Minster is making up fake news.  She’s stoking the fire of disillusionment when, as a highly remunerated politician (package on offer is £144,687 – outstripping the prime minister’s overall pay of £142,500) she should be leading with optimism.  All she does is constantly blame someone else.  

Take the news agenda away from her governments failings is her PR goal.  She cannot accept that the people of Scotland two years ago voted to stay a part of the UK, and that the UK voted to leave the EU.   End of story.  

Her job now is to make that happen with the best results possible for the UK that will mean it’s the best results for the Scotland.  After all, the rest of the UK is our biggest trading partner.  Scotland still conducts the vast majority of its trade within the UK.  In 2014, Scotland's exports totalled £76 billion, of which £48.5 billion (64%) was with constituent nations of the United Kingdom, £15.2 billion (20%) with other parts of the world and only £11.6 billion (15%) with the rest of the EU.  So this fixation with the EU is somewhat misplaced, important as it is. 

One little reminder, with all this talk of Scotland being at the mercy of the bad Tory government, just remember, it's this bad Tory government that devolved tax varying power and many other things to Holyrood.  But when the burden of responsibility comes up on Nicola and her government, what do they do?  Retreat in to their turrets and continue to blame these bad Tories.  

Rather pathetic really. 

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