Tuesday, March 21, 2017

There is an alternative, First Minister.

Today in the Scottish Parliament Ms Sturgeon acknowledged to MSPs that many people do not relish the prospect of another referendum.  But I really don’t think she understands on what basis people don’t relish another referendum.  

She clearly comes from a household where everyone voted one way.  I don’t.  My family was split 2 for and 2 against YES.  Debate was robust at times.  But we survived.  And we agreed that whatever the outcome, that would be that.  Sadly not all families survived the acrimony.

Now she suggests that the only alternative available today is another referendum, insisting that the only alternative was “simply to drift through the next two years, crossing our fingers, hoping for the best while fearing the worst.”

Actually First Minister that is not the only alternative.  Another alternative is to roll up your sleeves and make leaving the EU work.  Not to do so is tantamount to seeking to wreck the UK that Scotland only 2 short years ago voted to remain a part of.

The defeatist talk of cliff edge shows that she is more interested in rhetoric than opportunity. 

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