Friday, March 03, 2017

Conjuring trick.

Now, here is a thought to conjure with.  

Let’s for a moment assume that the First Minister gets her way and has, against her previous statement that the last referendum was a once in a generation one, a second referendum. 

Let’s for a moment suppose the vote was 52% Leave with 48% Remain.

But let’s also suppose some areas, for example, the in the Borders, Dumfries and Galloway, voted to remain part of the UK by a margin of 64% to 36%, as they did in the last referendum.  

Now, using Nicola Sturgeons logic she could not drag them out of the UK against their will. So when the Borders, Dumfries and Galloway, or indeed an individual, go to court to protect their legal right to remain part of the UK will Ms Sturgeon accept their case?  Everywhere south of a line from Dunglass in the east to Cairnryan in the west, staying in the UK.

Let’s put it this way.  I didn't vote for the person who became my local MP.  I didn’t vote for an SNP candidate at the Scottish parliamentary elections, but the SNP are the governing party.  I didn’t vote to remain in the UK when we had the once in a generation Scottish independence referendum.

But, and it’s a kind of important but, I have accepted the result in all of these because that’s democracy.

The SNP will never accept that democracy means that sometimes you don’t get what you want.  Even if there is a 2nd Scottish referendum and they loose they will simply look for a reason for a 3rd one.  

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