Monday, March 27, 2017

Whose side are they on?

I do get dismayed when I hear of politicians, and it is largely politicians who have never worked in the productive economy, talk about the catastrophe that will befall businesses once we leave the EU.

Really?  Most businesses I know are ambitious.  They don’t sit and wait for governments.  They get out there and create new opportunities.  Just watch this clip of Tom Turner, boss of V12 Footwear.

Like all good business leaders, Tom Turner and his V12 business, is out there looking for business opportunities outside Europe.  

It is the likes of Tom who create the wealth in our nation.

So listening to Keir Starmer, who must be one of the most intelligent people on the Labour benches, spouting such ridiculous nonsense of his Six Tests at the weekend, does leave you holding your head in your hands.   

Whose side are they on you may well ask?

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