Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Parliament has spoken. So will the Lib Dems rejoice?

The Liberal Democrats.  The party that agreed with the Supreme Court ruling that Parliament must pass such a Bill to make it legitimate.
Well, last night the parliament did just that.   Last night Paddy and his friends failed to get the parliament to back their view.  

Their response?  Celebrate the greatness of parliament that it can come to such a view?  After all, that’s what they supported in the Supreme Court battle.  They surely could celebrate that parliament had spoken?

Nope.  They whine like a cry-baby when they discover that parliament can vote against them.

Perhaps the Liberal Democrats will now go and try and understand why people of the UK voted to leave the EU.

Last night in a final fling of the dice the Liberal Democrats tried to put the interests of EU citizens living in the UK before the interests of the UK citizens living in the EU.

No wonder UK voted to leave the EU.

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