Monday, February 01, 2016

What people choose to spend money on.

What can you do with £1 billion.  That is £1,000,000,000.

Quite a lot when you put your mind to it.  Employ 35,486 nurses for a year.  Or how about just over 200,000 hip operations.  Or why not provide 40 million hours of care for the elderly.  Or may be  paying 38,134 police officers for a year takes your fancy . 

There is however, an alternative.  The English Premier League spending on transfers in a single season could break the £1bn mark for the first time.

Mind you, that pales in to insignificance when you consider the annual wage bill for Premier League players is £1,867,800,000.

What kind of country do we live in that spends that kind of money on people kicking a ball?

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