Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Different rules for different Ministers.

Like a laugh over your cornflakes?

The principles of impartiality and the proper use of public resources continue to apply to all government communications activity, including activity related to the EU referendum.”  So said Cabinet Secretary Jeremy Heywood.  

Why the hollow laugh?  Because it only applies to one side.  Pro Stay Ministers can use the full resources of government to back up their case including civil servants paid for by you and me.  But pro Leave ministers can't.  Sounds more like One Rule for You, One Rule for Me.

Which comes a day after the revelation that a pro-EU letter supposedly from FTSE 100 bosses was actually drafted by a Downing Street civil servant, paid for by you and me.  

The Prime Minister said Chris Hopkins wrote the letter with his authorisation: “He’s a civil servant working in No.10 and his authority comes from me, and he’s doing an excellent job… the government’s view is that we should Remain in a reformed European Union and the civil service is able to support the government in that role”.

So there you have it.  Level playing field?  Not.

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