Saturday, February 20, 2016

What are the important issues we should be talking about?

Well, here we are, in a few months’ time we will all have the opportunity to decide whether the UK should stay in the European Union or leave.

So would we be freer, fairer and better off outside the EU?

Let’s forget about the deal the Prime Minister came back with.  It’s rather irrelevant. We all know he achieved little because he asked for little.  But he issues we should be discussing are far more important than can we save £30m on one area of expenditure, which, in effect, is all the Prime Minister has come back with.

Let’s start at the beginning. Do we believe that the decisions which govern all our lives, the laws we must all obey and the taxes we must all pay should be decided by people we choose and who we can throw out if we want change? For me that is the fundamental question

To quote Michael Gove, “If power is to be used wisely, if we are to avoid corruption and complacency in high office, then the public must have the right to change laws and Governments at election time”.

Let’s put some facts on the table: 

1.         Our membership of the European Union prevents us being able to change huge swathes of law and stops us being able to choose who makes critical decisions which affect all our lives. 

2.         Laws which govern citizens in this country are decided by politicians from other nations who we never elected and can’t throw out. 

3.         We can take out our anger on elected representatives in Westminster but whoever is in Government in London cannot remove or reduce VAT, cannot support a steel plant through troubled times, cannot build the houses we need where they’re needed and cannot deport all the individuals who shouldn’t be in this country.

Forget everything else, these are the important issues.

And as far as I can see, the Prime Minister has not delivered a single thing on these.

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