Thursday, February 25, 2016

Scotland at Six

As with most things tax payer, or in this case, licence fee funded, there is the slip-in remark in the internal BBC 17-page memorandum, which gives running orders for a possible new-look bulletins, noting it will cost an extra £4.5m to £5m per year to produce.   And that money comes from?
What they should have said is “the position will be fiscally neutral and it will not add any cost to the BBC as we will find the £4.5 to £5m from internal savings”.

To think we should be spending up to £5m a year just so we can have a Scottish perspective on international news is narrow-mindedness in the extreme.  Half an hour of UK based and half an hour of Scottish based seems a pretty good balance to me, given we are part of the UK.

So to those politicians who have been advocating this little Scotlander thinking, next time you cry “we don’t have enough money”, first just think where you waste it on vanity projects.

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