Monday, February 01, 2016

Time for the facts

So, yet another big inward investing company has made its positon clear about a possible exit of the UK from the EU. 

Boss of Japanese industrial giant describes Britain as an “open” country and says Hitachi will continue to do business in UK regardless of whether it is a member of the European Union. 

They’re not the first to express such a view and they certainly won’t be the last.  Which is not surprising.  All the UK would be doing is leaving the EU project, which is a project that focuses on political union.

What those in Brussels lack is experience of working in real business that make their money (and the profits that are taxed to actually pay for the EU institutions) through trading internationally. 

When people tell me that the UK would suffer economically with an exit is say three letters.  BMW.  But I might as well have said Peugeot, or Ford, or Opel/Vauxhall, or Mercedes, or VW, or Audi, or Skoda, or Seat, or….  You get the message.  Why on earth would these companies turn their back on selling into their most profitable market, the UK.   

They wouldn’t of course.  The moment the UK voted to exit from the EU, these businesses would ensure a new trade agreement was in place within hours. 

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