Saturday, February 20, 2016

Project Fear underway

So the Prime Minister stands in Downing Street.  And what does he do?  Does he tell us the wonderful things he has done for us at the negotiations?  Did he tell us how he has been successful in his campaign to transform our reltionship with the EU?

Er, no.  All he did was fire the starting pistol on what is clearly going to be Project Fear.  A set of meaninless statements that he will no doubt hope that the more often he says them, people will start to believe him.  I think we all know where we have seen such tactics before.  Keep saying it often enough and a lie becomes the truth.  And your literary question for today, in what book did that scenario happen?

David Davis really summed the ridiculousness of what the Prime Minister has achieved in the really imposrtant areas.  Nothing.

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