Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Why drive something like a Golf when you can drive a Golf?

Do you remember that classic VW Golf advert, the one where various people said thing like, "it sounds just like a Golf".  Of course the punch line was "Why drive something like a Golf when you can drive a Golf?".  Why indeed.  You want the real thing.

Which leads me very quickly and neatly into todays revelation by Ed Miliband that Labour will stick to Conservative borrowing plans and not exceed them.  Well, of course in the obscure way he has, he didn't quite commit Labour to that and that will be his fall back position.  But any normal listener will have heard Ed say just that. 

So, with Labour seemingly agreeing to keep to an increasing number of pledges the Conservatives have made, why would you settle for something sounds like the Conservatives when you can have the real thing?

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