Sunday, May 03, 2015

Who gets the keys?

The months are turning into weeks. The weeks to days.  And soon it will be days to hours.  And before we know it we will be hearing Returning Officers across the UK telling us what individual has been elected to serve that constituency.

Then it's the morning after the night before.  My view is it won't go to this and a single figure Conservative majority will emerge. But what if there is no overall majority?  Who gets the first go at forming a group of parties that would give them the most seats?  Should it be the party with the most seats?  Or the party with fewer seats that thinks it can cobble together a majority? 

Well, how about we adopt a position that apparently is clear in the minds of some.  Certainly one candidate for the keys to Number 10 thinks it's clear anyway.   He said the “constitutional position is clear” and “very simple”.   In the event of a hung parliament “the Prime Minister gets to have the first crack”.  

Sound fair?  I though so too.  So who said that?  None other than Ed Miliband.

So Ed has already conceded that Dave gets first crack at it if he gets the greater number of seats. 

Sometimes party leaders must wish YouTube had never been invented.

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