Sunday, May 03, 2015

They still think it's all over....

How far back can your memory go?  I suppose it's the thing you notice as the years go by, you remember more from years ago.  I'm sure there must be a medical word or expression that covers it. 

I was in one of these flashback moments the other day.  Clear as a bell it was.  Labour were going to win the 1992 General Election.  Everyone said so.  The polls.  The media.  The pundits.

Even Neil Kinnock the Labour Party leader thought everything was going to be all right on the night.

And who can forget the presumptuous Labour Party rally.  Oh yes, it was all over bar the counting of the votes.  John Major would sink without trace.

Then the unthinkable happened.  It didn't happen that way.  Red faces all round. And if my memory serves me correctly, John Major ended up with more votes than any other Prime Minster in history.  And he got a majority of MPs too so he formed the next government.

So it's not over in the 2015 version, by a long way.

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