Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Trade deals can be done.

We are sending a clear message that we stand against protectionism. The EU and Japan remain open for cooperation.” So said European Council President Donald Tusk, who speaks for the EU.    

And the trade deal between the EU and Japan is struck. 

Now, I know Mr Tusks words on protectionism do sound a bit hollow given how they EU treat African farmers, but the words are a step in the right direction.  And as for the deal itself, it just that, a deal.  Each side comes away with many of the things it wanted, but lost a few.  That's negotiationsSo all round a good deal.   

But here’s the thing.  Nowhere in the deal do we see the ECJ as being the final arbiter.  Nowhere do we see freedom of movement.  Nowhere do we see a common rule book that is in essence the EU rule book.   

So if the EU can do a deal with Japan, why not the same structure for one with the UK?

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