Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Electoral Commission are "guilty".

It wasn’t a court of law that found the Leave camp guilty of breaking electoral law.  It was the Electoral Commission.  And if you read any articles the cries of guilty are always to be found in parenthesis.  A tactic always used to give the impression of truth while hiding behind fact it is nothing of the sort.  

So the Electoral Commission, the whiter than white body that is supposed to look after our democratic processes in the ballot box, has found itself in a little bit of bother.  Well, two bits actually.   

First the Electoral Commission are claiming that officials from the Brexit campaign refused to attend interviews. Really?  This email from Louise Edwards, the Electoral Commission boss, to lawyers for the Vote Leave officials says otherwise:    
Bit odd that.  They can’t both be right can they?   

And second?  They have, as far as I can see, failed, to take up and investigate the far more serious charges that are levelled at the Remain campaign. When, one wonders, will they do that?  Are they "guilty" of favouring Remain over Leave?

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