Thursday, July 26, 2018

Disaster? Not according to the people who know.

One does wonder where some Remainers get their thinking from.  They keep talking about how trade will suffer.  There will be queues at the customs.  It will be disaster.  

Really?  I was reading of owner an international freight forwarder that has been in business for 35 years.  He can see absolutely no reason whatsoever why trucks and container traffic cannot flow freely between the UK and our EU neighbours under World Trade Organisation rules.   

Why? Simple really, if Remainers would care to check it out.  All that an exporter or importer not familiar with international trading needs is a little advice at the outset from a customs broker.  At a documentation cost of around £40 per consignment their products will just go sailing through. No queues, no problems, no panic at the ports.   

So next time a Remainer like Sir John Major or any of the other Project Fear doom-mongers want to know how it’s done, there’s your answer.

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