Thursday, July 26, 2018

The man who endorses Walkers crisps doesn’t speak for a majority of the nation.

Something is very wrong at the BBC.  Put aside the Sir Cliff story, and yes, the BBC were threatening to use licence payers money to launch an appeal on the spurious view that the judges ruling damages freedom of speech, they clearly are failing to define and understand what news is.   

Greece.  The fires that have killed possibly hundreds.  That’s news.  Gary Lineker backs Brexit referendum campaign.  That is not news.  But you can find it here.  Prominent on the BBC web site.   

It’s as if Mr Linekers view is more important than someone with a different view.  It’s as if his view outweighs the majority that voted in favour of Leave.  He says Brexit feels like it is "going very wrong indeed".  On that he is right.  But not for the reasons he would espouse.  It is people like him that are making it go very wrong.  Constantly trying to undermine democracy.  Constantly seeking to slow down or halt the process.  He thinks he seems to have a trump card over the majority of TV licence fee payers who voted to leave and pay for his £1.75million salary.  And his other work, Lineker's BT salary has not been publicly disclosed but he is thought to “earn” around £1m per year for his endorsement with Walkers crisp giant.   

He uses his fame to virtual signal like this and be given coverage on the same BBC that pays him.  If the BBC is going to continue its push against the wishes of the people of the UK as expressed in a free and fair referendum, those who set its policy need to move on and people who truly represent the nation move in. 

It was Alistair Campbell who asked the gathering of the great and good of television, "how many of you voted to leave the EU?”  No one in the room raised a hand.  Hardly representative of the people of the nation they say they serve.

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