Wednesday, September 27, 2017

What a speech!!!!

It was brilliant.  Yes, the Jeremy Corbyn speech today in Brighton was truly brilliant.  It shone with clarity.  It told us where he was going.  It left us in no doubt what the future would look like under a government led by him.   

He lauded the public sector workers alone completely forgetting that it is the private sector workers and businesses that actually provide the money for all the things he wants to do.  The people who work for the State are more important was the subliminal message.   

There were promises of a surge in housebuilding and the imposition of State controlled rent controls.  This is an interesting one – something almost every economist on the planet thinks is a pretty daft idea.  Oh, and tenants and leaseholders are to have veto over local redevelopment efforts.  Anything that is not State run in housing is not much off being evil was the subliminal message.  

His whole thrust was that the private sector has totally failed the nation and needs replacing with a totally socialist State solution clearly doesn’t hold much water given it has created 3.5 million jobs since 2010.  But, the State is better than the private sector was the subliminal message.   

Yes, it was a brilliant speech because it left us in absolutely no doubt that he believes that a state controlled and run economy is what is best.   A socalist utopia.

His problem is, such a socialist economy never works.  Look at the evidence.  Look at any nation that has gone down the route Mr Corbyn advocates and you see many things.  Poverty.  Poor services.  Under achievement.  Lack of democracy.  Lack of accountability. Stifling autocracy.  Corrupt bureaucracy.  Failure.  

Gaby Hinsliff of the Guardian unkindly but probably fairly described the second half of his speech as “the Light Ramble Through Areas Of General Interest To Me phase which all Corbyn’s speeches reach eventually” – he looked unelectable.

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