Tuesday, September 05, 2017

A view from outside the EU. Wealthy Iceland.

If you were munching your cornflakes at ten past seven this morning and listening to Today on BBC Radio 4, you would have heard the simplest reasoning I’ve hear why leaving the EU is good.  

John Humphries wondered why Iceland isn’t joining the EU.  To paraphrase, the reply from Iceland’s Foreign Minister, Gudlaugur Thor Thordarson, "why would we want to join the EU, it’s nothing to do with trade, it’s a political union".  And he is right.   

Breezily Iceland’s foreign minister went on “Everyone" wants to strike a free trade deal with the UK. “You’re the fifth largest economy in the world. Everyone wants to sell you goods and services. It’s just as simple as that.”   

So, from a neutral outsiders point of view, the cliff edge is simply the place to have the vantage point for all the opportunities that await a re-invigorated UK once we have left the European Union.  

Back in April, Mr Thordarson warned that erecting trade barriers after Brexit would “simply mean that the politicians in the remaining 27 EU countries will have to explain to the people who could lose their jobs, that they are doing it because they are so 'tough' on the Brits. 

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