Thursday, September 07, 2017

100,000 new jobs. Because of BREXIT.

The odd thing about those who seek to undermine the will of the people of the UK by trying all they can to get a bad deal when leaving the EU so they can say ‘we told you so’, they really don’t look at the evidence.   
For example, a conservative estimate is that almost 100,000 jobs will be created in the food and drink sector over the next five years.  Why will this happen?  Simple.  In business people will trade where the conditions are good.  And as UK firms look at the competitive exchange rate, guess what, exports will be on the rise.   

How can we say that for sure?  Well, it is based on research published today in the The Food and Drink Report 2017, from Lloyds Commercial Banking (back in April 2016 it wasn’t so cheerful with the bank warning that a vote to leave the EU would cause economic uncertainty and potential volatility). Now it has found that the proportion of manufacturers investing to secure new international customers has risen from 55% to 69% over the past year. And more than a quarter of food and drink firms said they planned to export for the first time in the next five years.   A report with similar conclusions has been published by BDO.

So why are food and drinks firms as positive in spite of BREXIT as BDO and Main Stream Media would put it?   

Again, it’s simple, it’s not in spite of BREXIT that they forecast this massive improvement.  It’s because of BREXIT.   

The Unions will be happy as workers in the sector will be pleased that 48% of firms expect wage costs to rise.  Just as Sir Stuart Rose predicted about wages rising if we voted to leave the EU.

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